Local Compassion Opportunity Finder

Volunteer for Back to School Supply Handout Capacity: 0/10

8/28/2024 to 8/28/2024

Partner Description

Helping Hands is a local organization that assists local school children and youth with basics like hygiene and clothing items to make them more successful in school. items are handed out on an as-needed basis by a volunteer who keeps items stocked on hand at Century School and the High School.
Volunteers will set up tables with school supplies on them, help fill backpacks for those not able to attend, and help students who come get supplies for their backpacks.
More Details
You may sign up for an hour or more. Any help is appreciated. A sign-up sheet will follow once a date has been set.
Next Steps
Once you sign up, you will receive information at a later date including the date and sign-up sheet to serve at a specific time or for the entire event.
Local Partner
Helping Hands Park Rapids Schools
At-Risk Youth

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Age Range
Assemble items
Work with Kids
Family Friendly
Small Group Friendly