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Public Reading of Scripture Tuesday

For Everyone on Tuesday at 10:00am PT | Weekly |

Leader(s): Justin Domogalla

Need a break from your busy day? Join us for our Public Reading of Scripture Group as part of our 10-week New Testament Challenge as we follow along with our series. Starting the week of February 18th, we'll be getting together on Zoom to simply listen to God's Word being read. No prep work, no studying, no pressure - just show up for a refreshing midday pause.

What You're Getting Into:
These 45-minute gatherings are designed to be your midday reset button. No homework (seriously, none!), no preparation - just you showing up as you are. Whether you're dialing in from your home office, favorite coffee shop, or work break room, we're making it super easy to plug into something meaningful during your day, as we take time to disconnect from the chaos and connect with God's Word alongside others who are looking for the same thing.

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